Category Archives: 5th class

Programmes of Work for all classes. 15th – 19th June

June 14, 2020

Programmes of Work for all classes. 2nd – 5th June.
Please click the relevant link to view programme(s) of work for your child/children.

Scoil Bhride Hall of Fame Challenge!

June 12, 2020

Here are our TOP 10 Super Mathletes of the week! Are you on the list?

Aladdin Connect Update

June 10, 2020

All parents/guardians were sent registration and access details in a text message on 3/6/20. Since then further texts and emails have been sent to those families who have not registered

Let’s go fly a kite: Fly like a bird kite making workshop

June 7, 2020

Kite making online Zoom workshop for Cruinniu na nOg organised by the Design and Crafts Council on 9th June at 3pm

Programmes of Work for all classes. 8th – 12th June

June 7, 2020

Programmes of Work for all classes. 2nd – 5th June.
Please click the relevant link to view programme(s) of work for your child/children.