Category Archives: 5th class

Dog’s Trust Visit

December 19, 2018

Scoil Bhríde pupils and staff alike had the pleasure of welcoming the beautiful whippet/greyhound cross, Magic to our school.  Magic is 8 years old and was one of the lucky

Technology and Internet Usage

November 7, 2018

  Parental/Guardian Responsibility Regarding Technology and Internet Usage.   Click here to read the Internet Acceptable Use Policy at Scoil Bhride – 2018-19   October 2018 Dear Parent/Guardian,   At

Boys Football

October 25, 2018

Congratulations to the boys football team who won the Division 2 shield final in O’Moore Park on Wednesday. After a titanic battle with Rathenska, Scoil Bhride eventually prevailed on a

Roinn 2 Boys Shield – Ratheniska 2-11 Knockmay 5-10 AET

October 24, 2018

Knockmay go the extra mile to see off Ratheniska after extra time Ratheniska 2-11 Knockmay 5-10 AET Roinn 2 Boys Shield Extra time was required as Knockmay got the better

Celebrating a local legend, Col. James Fitzmaurice

October 15, 2018

Today the 6th classes had a lovely visit from a local historian and author, Mr. Teddy Fennelly, and a member of the Irish Air Corps, Lieutenant Aidan Higgins to commemorate