D.E.I.S Initiatives



Scoil Bhride N.S is a band 1 DEIS school. Education disadvantage is defined as the impediments to education arising from social or economic disadvantage which prevents students from deriving appropriate benefit from education in schools (Education Act 1988). We realise that some of the impediments to learning can be targeted and alleviated, however there are barriers to learning caused by issues outside the educational system (financial, family and health related, social, cultural and geographic or a combination of any of these). We therefore highlight the importance of collaborating with parents, other professional and outside agencies.


This policy was drawn up to outline strategies, programmes, procedures and initiatives put in place in our school to endeavour to combat educational disadvantage.


Link To School Ethos:

In Scoil Bhride N.S we work together to consistently create a positive environment in which all can enjoy a full and rounded learning experience. By providing for education disadvantage we endeavour to give children at risk the experience of success and enjoyment which in learning is vital if they are to be encouraged and motivated to reach their full educational potential.



  • To give every child an equal chance to access, participate in and benefit from education.
  • To support and assist targeted pupils.
  • To put in place programmes, initiatives, procedures and practices for targeted pupils.
  • To provide opportunities for each pupil at risk to reach his/her full potential, by exposure to a wide variety of opportunities supporting a growth in self-esteem, engagement and motivation.
  • To improve basic numeracy and literacy skills.
  • To break down barriers between home and school and promote and foster cooperation and collaboration.


Characteristics Of Education Disadvantage:

  • Poor numeracy and literacy skills.
  • Behavioural issues.
  • Family and social factors.
  • Level of education of parents.
  • Low self esteem.
  • Lack of motivation.
  • Poor attendance.
  • Early school leavers.


Being part of the DEIS band one impacts our school in the following ways: 

  • Class size- we have a ratio of 22:1
  • Learning support, we receive our allocation based on a ratio of 80:1.
  • Increased grant aid.

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