Literacy – Parent Report
School Self Evaluation—Literacy
Parental Report
At Scoil Bhríde N.S. School Self Evaluation is a continuous and ongoing process. It provides staff with an opportunity to reflect on and examine their practice with a view to bringing about improved teaching and learning.
We would like to share with you some findings from recent School Self Evaluation in Literacy.
1 School Context
- This is an urban, DEIS Band 1 school.
- There are currently 757 pupils on roll. Upwards of 50% of these pupils are EAL.(English as Additional Language)
- There are 50 teachers ( class and support teachers, administrative principal, administrative deputy principal and HSCL teacher )
- The school administers Micra T standardised tests in English reading from 1st to 6th class and The Drumcondra Early Literacy Test in Senior Infants.
- Some School Self Evaluation methodologies used in our school include:
- Analysis of test results.
- Analysis of pupils written work.
- Questionnaires. (Teacher, Parent and Pupil).
- Focus groups.
2 Our school has strengths in the following areas:
Learner Outcomes:
- Literacy initiatives supported improvements in literacy attainment.
- Literacy initiatives contributed to pupil’s enjoyment and positive attitudes towards reading.
- The skills developed by the pupils were being applied across the curriculum e.g. oral language skills in numeracy and research skills in history .
Learning Experiences:
- Pupils engaged actively in their learning in some initiatives. Collaborative and independent learning featured strongly in certain initiatives. The pupils monitored their own progress and brought this to their teacher’s attention .
- Teachers reported using a variety of assessment of learning tools. Pupils are involved in assessing their own learning through self assessment and peer assessment.
3 The following areas are prioritized for improvement
- The pupils writing knowledge, skills and understanding needs to develop in a more progressive way from class level to class level. Writing genre work needs to be more situated in the wider curriculum for each class level.
- Pupil attainment in literacy is still an area for improvement in particular in the middle and senior class levels.
- More evidence is needed regarding the impact of literacy initiatives on EAL pupils.
- Specific teaching of oral language through First Steps Speaking & Listening Programme and through discrete oral language teaching.
- Develop and implement grammar and punctuation plans at all class levels.
- Provide blocks of language support for EAL pupils utilizing ICT for learning.
- Continuous review/development/improvement of literacy initiatives already in vogue in the school eg First Steps, Jolly Phonics, Literacy Lift Off, Peer Tutoring, Guided Reading, Transactional Strategy Instruction etc.
We see School Self Evaluation as a team effort to improve teaching and learning. As a parent/guardian your opinions and insights are valued in this process. We hope that your child continues to have a very good learning experience in our school.
Thanking you,
Mr. J. Fennell
(School Self Evaluation Coordinator)