Click here to see information regarding the Admission Policy and the Application Form for Admission for the 2025/2026 school year. 

Web Pre Enrolment for 2025/26

Click here to submit enrolment application electronically any time between 8:40 am on 25/10/24 and 2:20 pm on 15/11/24.

Latest News

Welcome back!!

January 9, 2018

We hope everyone had a fun, peaceful and safe Christmas and New Year.  We are delighted to welcome you all back as we begin a new year in Scoil Bhríde. 

End of year best wishes from 5th class….

December 20, 2017

5th Classes would like to wish everyone a very happy, peaceful and relaxing Christmas break!  We hope Santa will be good to you all and that the New Year brings

Science Week

November 13, 2017

As this is Science Week, all classes were treated to a fantastic display of science experiments in the Halla. We learned all about electricity including what makes good conductors and

Junior Infants Update!

November 9, 2017

Welcome back to all the Junior Infants after a well-earned Halloween break and well done on a SUPER start to life in Scoil Bhride. Everyone had a fun and spooktacular

Welcome Back!!

November 6, 2017

The staff at Scoil Bhríde would like to welcome everyone back after what was, hopefully, a relaxing and fun Halloween break.  We’ll be very busy between now and Christmas and