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Latest News

New Drone Pictures from May!

May 17, 2017

Here are some of the latest drone pictures taken this month – May 2017. As you can see the building is coming along in leaps and bounds now! Fantastic to

Day 2 of Ania’s Art Workshop!

May 12, 2017

5th Class pupils in Mrs Conlan’s and Ms McCarthy’s classes had their second workshop with Ania today.  The children worked individually today and created animal and plant scenes in boxed

Day 4 of Mental Health Awareness Week

May 12, 2017

Thursday was a very busy day in Scoil Bhríde NS.  Mr Meade, the organiser and coordinator of the week, outdid himself with the help of other teachers and some 6th

Yoga and Meditation

May 10, 2017

As part of Mental Health Awareness week in Scoil Bhride, 3rd classes got the opportunity to engage with a yoga and meditation session. Yoga and meditation have multiple benefits for

Day 2 of Mental Health Awareness Week!

May 10, 2017

Children and teachers in Scoil Bhríde were invited to wear odd shoes today.  The idea behind this was to take a moment to understand what it’s like to be in