Click here to see information regarding the Admission Policy and the Application Form for Admission for the 2025/2026 school year. 

Web Pre Enrolment for 2025/26

Click here to submit enrolment application electronically any time between 8:40 am on 25/10/24 and 2:20 pm on 15/11/24.

Latest News

Happy Holidays this Friday!

December 17, 2013

• Last school day of 2013 is Friday, 20th December. ** School closing at 12 noon ** • School re-opens Monday 6th January 2014.  

Parents’ Association Calendar

December 14, 2013

Parents’ Association Calendar is available from class teacher this week at a cost of 5 euro.

Christmas Concerts

December 11, 2013

Christmas concerts will take place in Scoil Bhríde on Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th December. Concerts will begin at 9:30 on both days and will finish at approximately 11:00. Tickets

Computer Room

December 11, 2013

For the past two weeks students have been enjoying working in the new computer room which has been set up in the school. As we all know, IT has become

School Census 2013

December 11, 2013

5th class decided to take a school census as a fun, innovative way of studying fractions, decimals, percentages and graphs as well as emphasising the importance of good public speaking!