Pleas click on the picture below to read the information from the Department of Education about speaking to your children about Covid-19
Talking to your children about Covid-19
COVID19 (Coronovirus)
Please click on the image below to read the advice from the chief medical officer in relation to Covid 19 (Coronovirus)
School Self Evaluation Report for Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE)
School Self Evaluation Report for Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) Introduction 1.1 School Context Scoil Bhride N.S. is an urban, DEIS Band 1 school. There are currently 776
Parent Teacher Meetings 2018-19
Parent Teacher Meetings 2018-19 The school welcomes and recognises the importance and value of parents/guardians in education. We seek to promote ways in which parents can be actively involved and
Mathletics – Why?
Pupils in Sn. Infants, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th are now using “Mathletics” in school and at home. Pupils all over the world are using “Mathletics.” Watch the video
Welcome Back!!
The staff at Scoil Bhríde would like to welcome everyone back after what was, hopefully, a relaxing and fun Halloween break. We’ll be very busy between now and Christmas and
Boys Football
The boys football team is competing in Roinn 5 of this years Cumann na mBunscoil competition. In the first match, we played away to Timahoe. Despite playing very well, we
Well-Being, Self-Care and Mindfullness
Parent Course in Well-Being, Self-Care and Mindfulness This four-week parent course (eight hours) begins with the addressing the needs of the parent in terms of their own well-being through
Mathletics – Information for Parents.
Mathletics is used by all pupils in 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th Class. All pupils in these classes have a log-in code purchased by the school. Pupils work on Mathletics
Mathletics is back! Click HERE now to see how we are doing today! All pupils in Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Class are hoping to get lots of gold bars (or green