1st Class

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 First Class Teachers 2024-2025

Mrs. Ryan , Ms. J. Doheny , Ms. Martin, Ms.C. Carroll

Support Teachers

Ms. Moran/Sub Ms.Feehan (EAL), Ms. Dalton(Literacy)Ms. S. Kelly/Ms.Lynam-Uys (Numeracy)

Safer Internet Day

Mr. Bartley’s 6th class visited Ms. J. Doheny’s 1st class to teach the children about Safer Internet Day. Well done to the 6th class children for being great teachers.

Library – Ms. J. Doheny and Ms. Ryan

Library visit for First Class.

Celebrating St. Brigid

St. Brigid’s cloak . Lovely work in Ms. Doheny’s First class.

Ms. A. Doheny’s First Class

The children in Ms. A. Doheny’s room enjoyed a visit from Santa yesterday.

Ms. Martin’s First

Ms. Martin’s class enjoying Santa’s visit today.

Ms. L. Ryan (First Class) Santa Visit

Ms. J. Doheny (First Class)

Santa visits Ms. J. Doheny’s First Class.

Ms. Doheny’s (First Class)

Lots of fun in Ms. Doheny’s First Class recently.

First Class- Ms. Doheny (Maths Week)

Great fun was had in Ms. Doheny’s Senior Infants class during Maths week.

Le Cheile ’24 -Our new play area

Le Cheile ’24 was officially opened today . The play area was funded by the Board of Management of Scoil Bhríde, designed by Principal Mrs. Wall- Coughlan and dedicated to