Junior Infants
Welcome to our page!
Class Teachers 2024-2025
Ms. S. Burke, Ms. T. Callanan, Ms. K. Downey and Ms. O. Mahon
Support Teachers
Ms. E.Fogarty/Ms. A. Smith
Lá Glas
Naíonáin Shóisearacha
Ms. Fogarty (Junior Infants)
Well done to all celebrating today with World Book Day.
All Spooky- Ms. Fogarty’s Junior Infants.
Naíonáin Shinsearacha- Ms. Dunne
La Gaelach- Naíonáin Shóisearcha (Ms. Mahon)
La Gaelach- Naíonáin Shóisearcha (Ms. Fogarty)
La Gaelach- Naíonáin Shóisearcha ( Ms. Nolan)
La Gaelach- Naíonáin Shóisearcha ( Ms. Callanan)
On the way into school
Very excited children walking into Scoil Bhride this morning. Great to see lots of smiles and laughter.