5th Class


 5th Class teachers  2024-2025

Ms. M. Byrne , Ms. J.Mahon  , Ms. L. Delaney  and Mr.  N . Stapleton 

Supporting Teachers: Ms. L. Rodgers(Literacy), Ms.S. O Sullivan/Ms R. Monaghan (Numeracy) E.Fogarty/Ms.A.Smih (EAL)



Dear Parent, We hope that you and your family are safe and well. In order to try to make distance learning easier and more accessible for you, Fifth Class have

Music Generation Laois: Ukulele Practice 2020 for 5th Class

Here are some new music videos from Nuala. This week’s video is suitable for ALL classes from Senior Infants to 6th class. Clear some space when you watch it because

Writing Competition

Please click on the image to find out more about a Writing competition being run by Dogs Trust Ireland.

Cúla4 Ar Scoil

This is a link about Cula4 Scoil on TG4. During this time when we are not in school it would be a good idea to tune in and to keep

R.T.E.Home School Hub

Here is the schedule for the R.T.E. Home school hub for this week. Please have to look as there may be something of interest to you. RTÉ Home School Hub

Zeeko Drawing Competition

Zeeko is an Irish company based at Nova UCD whose mission is to teach Internet Safety to Children, Parents, Teachers and Corporate Ireland, creating a world where young people can safely

The Primary Planet

The Primary Planet Online Magazine is available for free now.
Have a look.

Writing Club

Here is an Online Writing Club with short activities for you to try! Created by award winning Irish author – Sarah Webb New ideas each day! Here’s link to Day

Maths Time – Live Mathletics

Pupils from 1st class to 6th Class have a login for Mathletics! Great opportunity to beat your own record at tables! Try to see how well you can do on

Maths Games

Read more to find a few games to play! 1. Wishball Challenge https://education.abc.net.au/home#!/media/32471/wishball-whole-numbers 2. Match the Master Clock https://www.scootle.edu.au/ec/viewing/L9646/index.html# 3. Selection of other Maths Games https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/category/585/HTML5