Day 2 of Mental Health Awareness Week!

Children and teachers in Scoil Bhríde were invited to wear odd shoes today. The idea behind this was to take a moment to understand what it’s like to be in someone else’s shoes, the importance of empathy and appreciating that everyone is different.
It’s vital to realise that people can react to things in different manners and incidents can impact on people’s mental health and well-being in various ways.
We are all unique and today was a celebration of that!
Some snaps from 5th Classes…..
A 5th class pupil from Mr O’Lionaird’s class also delivered a presentation to other classes today. The insightful and informative project was researched and created by Veronika Onourah and was delivered with the help of her classmate, Harman. Veronika addressed ways in which we can look after our mental health; exploring the importance of good diet, exercise, sleep and hydration. Below are some photos of the girls delivering the presentation to other 5th classes.