Halloween Frights at Scoil Bhríde!!!

Pupils and staff alike entered into the spirit of all things ghostly, creepy, scary and hilarious today!! 

Below are some photos to entertain and frighten you……

We’d like to wish everyone a very happy, safe and fun Halloween break and will see you all back on Monday, 6th November. 

(Photos in no particular order)


Ms A. Dalton’s…

Ms McCarthy’s…..

Ms Downey’s….                                                   Ms Mahon’s….


Ms Kelly and Suzie’s…..                                   Ms C. Dalton’s…


Ms Young and Lorraine’s….                             Ms Meade’s….


Halla Horrors this morning….


A fabulous home-baked gift from one of our generous and extremely talented parents…

(these barely lasted long enough for a photo!!)


Some monstrous messers in the school this morning….


There’s something not quite right about one of these photos below…..can anyone put their finger on it???


We had tremendous fun today and hope Halloween is just as much fun and as safe for you all as it was in Scoil Bhríde today!!