Seachtain na Gaeilge

From the 1st of March to the 17th of March Scoil Bhríde celebrated Seachtain na Gaeilge.
Our whole class made posters of seanfhocail or old sayings. After we had created our posters everyone then picked their favourite poster and voted on which one was the best. A girl named Aoife was voted to have the best poster and got a sweet as a prize.
We also participated in some Irish quizzes (Tráth na gceist) on general knowledge and sports. There was six rounds per quiz . The winning teams got a prize. It was so much fun but also tricky!
Our whole class went down to the hall for Irish dancing for one hour. We were taught by Gabrielle and Laura from the Lynam Dance School. We learnt how to dance a céile. Irish dancing was very hard for us but also very enjoyable.
On the last day we all wore green as part of Lá Glas. We got some nice photos. Seachtain na Gaeilge was really good for the two weeks.
By Alex and Heather