Aladdin Connect Update

All parents/guardians were sent registration and access details in a text message on 3/6/20. Since then further texts and emails have been sent to those families who have not registered yet. Thank you to the 400+ families who have registered and set up.
If you are one of the 100 families that have not registered, what you need to do now is:
1. Check your text messages to see if you got a text on either 3rd, 4th or 8th of June. If so click on link in message and register.
2. Check your email for 9th of June. If you have an email from the school, click on the link in the email and register.
3. If you didn’t get a text or email and have not registered please email the school at and provide us with a working contactable mobile phone number for you and also an active email address.
We need to have all families in the school set up by Friday June 12th if possible. We will be using Connect over the coming weeks to provide you with:
- End of Year School Report for your child(ren)
- Booklists for next year
- Possible updates on Return to School after the summer holidays
- Information for Incoming Junior Infants
We thank you for your continued support and cooperation. We trust that all parents/guardians will make a concerted effort to be set up on Aladdin Connect before Friday June 12th 2020.
Thanking you,
Mr Fennell (Deputy Principal).