Christmas Concerts

Christmas concerts will take place in Scoil Bhríde on Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th December. Concerts will begin at 9:30 on both days and will finish at approximately 11:00. Tickets are available from class teachers at a cost of €2 each.
The list of classes performing on each day is as follows:
Wednesday 18th
Ms. Cuddy, Ms. Hayes, Ms. Martin, Ms. Cleary, Mrs. Kelly, Ms. Fleming, Ms. Carroll, Ms. Mc Carthy, Ms. Doheny, Ms. Shanahan, Ms. Cushen, Mrs. Carroll, Ms. Dalton, Mr. Monaghan, Ms. Hayes, Ms. McElligott, and Ms. Carroll.
Thursday 19th
Mrs. Prendergast, Mr. Fingleton, Ms. Mahon, Mrs. Redmond, Ms. Moynan, Ms. Toibin, Ms. Rice, Ms. Callanan, Ms. O’Sullivan, Ms Young, Ms. Downey, Mr. Meade, Ms. Ozenbrook, Ms. Nolan, Mr. McEvoy, Ms. Ging, Mr. O’ Lionaird.
Please note that the above list is not in running order. We look forward to seeing you at the concerts.