Well-Being, Self-Care and Mindfullness

Parent Course in Well-Being, Self-Care and Mindfulness 


This four-week parent course (eight hours) begins with the addressing the needs of the parent in terms of their own well-being through offering practices and life skills including mindfulness practices.  If used regularly, these practices can aid in significantly reducing stress and improving quality of life. 


The practices include:

·        Simple CBT exercises

·        Mindfulness sitting meditations

·        Mindfulness practices to engage in as part of daily life

·        Mindfulness cues

·        Relaxing visualisation meditations

Dates:              Monday 2nd, 9th, 16th & 23rd October

Venue:              Central Hotel Tullamore

Time:               10.00am – 12.000 p.m.

Facilitator:       Ann Marie Ireland, Chill Our Ireland

To book a place visit www.laoisedcentre.ie or contact Yvonne at 057-8672400  for further details.