Mr Z sets a Go-Kart Science Challenge!!

There was more Science fun in 5th class on Tuesday, 10th October with Mr. Z. Children and parents worked in groups to create their own Go-Karts.
The challenges became more difficult as time went on but the obstacles led to greater communication, cooperation and, ultimately, greater speed!!
The last few minutes were spent racing the Go-Karts while Mr. Z kept score and announced the winner after all rounds had been completed by each team.
Below, you’ll find some photos from Ms Dwan’s class….
….and Ms McCarthy’s class…
Again, we, the 5th class teachers, would like to extend our gratitude to the parents who took the time to come in for the lessons.
Due to forced school closure on Tuesday, 17th October, Mr. Z’s next class will take place this Tuesday, 24th October so be sure to check back shortly after that for more photos and updates!
Thanks for stopping by!