School Self Evaluation Report for Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE)

School Self Evaluation Report for Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE)


1.1   School Context


  • Scoil Bhride N.S. is an urban, DEIS Band 1 school.
  • There are currently 776 pupils enrolled in the school.
  • There are 59.8 teachers (class and support teachers,  administrative principal, administrative deputy principal and HSCL teacher)
  • 12 pupils with ASD attend Aoibhneas which opened in Sept. 2017 to cater for their varying needs.


1.2   The focus of the evaluation


A school self-evaluation of teaching and learning in SPHE was undertaken during the school year 2017-18 (May/June 2018).  This self evaluation included:

  • Meetings between the SPHE Postholder and School Management
  • Consultation with external SPHE advisor
  • Whole staff questionnaire on teaching and learning in SPHE (Distributed to all teaching staff)
  • Questionnaire on SPHE to sample of pupils from second and fourth classes.
  • Questionnaire on SPHE to sample of parents/guardians from first, third and fifth classes


The information gathered from the self evaluation was shared with all staff and was used to inform our School Improvement Plan (SIP) for SPHE. While always endeavouring to improve teaching  and learning, we will specifically focus on teaching and learning in SPHE over the next two years.

           1.3 Summary of school self-evaluation findings


Our school has strengths in the following areas:


  • There is a wide variety of Methodologies used in teaching SPHE.
  • School planning supports the teaching of SPHE with structured and easy to follow plans.
  • SPHE teaching is enhanced through the vast array of programmes used in teaching SPHE – Walk Tall, Stay Safe, PAX, Pause Programme, Focussing sessions, RSE, Bi Follain, Webwise.
  • Pupil wellbeing is perceived as very important at the school and this aspect of SPHE is well catered for at the school.
  • A strong culture of collaboration exists in the school and staff collaborate in delivering various aspects of the SPHE curriculum.
  • Pupils are constantly taught and reminded about the dangers of improper social media usage. The school outlines key responsibilities for parents/guardians in this area.


           1.4       The following areas are prioritized for improvement :


Teachers Practice :


  • Staff will utilize Webwise in Senior Classes to teach about safe internet usage. The resources on the website will be utilized (Webwise, My Selfie and The Wider World, Lockers). Zeeko will provide support for all teachers around Internet Safety. See
  • The school will participate in Safer Internet Day and will organize appropriate activities around same.
  • Further support will be sought from external advisors regarding the teaching of sensitive areas of Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE)


Learning Experiences :


  • Pupils need to be given opportunities to outline their worries/concerns and have them addressed in a structured non invasive manner. Each class from first to sixth will have a ‘Question box’ where pupils can place their questions/concerns/worries. The class teacher will address these at the start of formal SPHE lessons
  • All pupils in 5th/6th classes will be supported around Internet Safety by Zeeko through participation at in-school sessions organised for Nov 2018. See



Support For Parents/Guardians


  • It was apparent from analysis of Parent Questionnaires that parents/guardians required more information on SPHE. They outlined the need to explain SPHE and elaborate on the content that pupils engage with in SPHE. The school will endeavour to provide this information for all parents/guardians by producing information leaflets on SPHE.
  • Parent/Guardian after school seminar around Internet Safety will be organized with Zeeko for November 15th at 7 pm in the school hall. See